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Jordan Road Trip in 9 Days

Get ready to be blown away by the awesomeness of Jordan! This tiny country located in the heart of the Middle East is a treasure of ancient wonders, breathtaking landscapes, and friendly vibes. From exploring hidden cities carved into rocks in Petra to floating effortlessly in the Dead Sea, Jordan will take your breath away at every turn as it did for me. So buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable adventure. Safety? Don’t worry too much. Despite the ongoing conflicts surrounding Jordan, it is very safe for tourists.

Quick note: I highly advise purchasing the Jordan Pass, which can be found on the official website here. It may seem pricey, but the fee for your entry visa to the country and your entry to Petra (for one or two days, depending on the option you choose) will amount to the price you pay for the Jordan Pass. Moreover, the Jordan Pass offers free entry to many other sites, adding further value to your purchase.

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Some Camels in the Wad Rum Desert
Amman Theatre
The Citadel in Amman, Jordan

Day 1 - Arrival and Amman

Start the day at the Amman Citadel. The Citadel is situated on a hilltop and offers breathtaking views on the entire city as well as fascinating roman ruins. Stop number 2 of the day is the Roman Theater, offering a glimpse into Jordan's Roman past. There is also a little museum that can be visited explaining the bedouin culture of the country. Go have lunch around Rainbow Street and take some nice pictures under the colourful lanterns and end your day with a visit to King Abdullah Bin Hussein Mosque or the King Hussein Bin Talal Mosque, which is a little further out from the city center, for some beautiful architecture.

To travel around the city I would advise to simply stop one of the many yellow taxis, prices are very reasonable but make sure you agree to the price before you board the taxi. This is rule number 1 always!

Overnight in Amman

Day 2 - Mount Nebo and Jesus Baptism Site by the Israeli Border

Pick up your rental car and start making your way towards Mount Nebo where, according to the Bible, Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land before his death. Apparently during clear days, it is even possible to see the Golden Dome of Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem from here!

In the afternoon, make your way towards Jesus Baptism site while enjoying some amazing views of the Dead Sea and the surrounding valley while descending from Mount Nebo. The Baptism site is really unique and it was fascinating seeing adults getting baptised in the waters of the Jordan River.. 

You will arrive at the Visitor Center where you will be parking your car. The Baptism site sits right at the border with Israel and there is a military checkpoint so no private cars are allowed further than the Visitor Center. You will be divided into groups and a guide will be assigned to you. Then they take you over to the actual Baptism Site with a shuttle bus (ride was about 10 min).

Overnight in Amman

Mount Nebo, Jerusalem
Jesus Baptism site, Mount Nebo, Jordan
Wadi Mujib, Jordan
Dead Sea, Jordan side

Day 3 - Jerash

Dedicate an entire day to Jerash and its archeological site. We didn’t manage to go but regret it so much. I spoke to some other tourists who visited and they described it as a journey into the past. Jerash has some of the most well-preserved roman ruins in the world and definitely worth a visit while in Jordan.


Overnight in Amman

Day 4 - Wadi Mujib and the Dead Sea

Start the day at Wadi Mujib. This natural wonderland is a paradise for thrill-seekers, with its jaw-dropping canyons, towering cliffs, and gushing waterfalls. Get your adrenaline pumping, take some good waterproof shoes (you will need them) and don’t forget your GoPro for everlasting memories! Is the water cold? No, the water temperature was just perfect.
Now for the Dead Sea, you have two options. The first one is paying lots of money (about 40 USD for beach entry only according to some people I met along the way) and accessing the Dead Sea via a private resort beach where you will also have access to the traditional Dead Sea Mud and a shower. The second option is the wildest of the two but you will probably have the whole place to yourself. Access point is called Salt Beach, it does pop up on Google Maps when searching for it but I will also soon write an entire blog post with all the details. Downside, we didn’t find any Dead Sea Mud around here or a shower so be prepared and bring some bottles with you to wash off the salt once you finish floating! 


Overnight Dead Sea Area

Diving in Aqaba, Jordan

Day 5 - Aqaba

If you haven’t been snorkelling or diving in the Red Sea yet then this is a must do thing in Aqaba. I have never seen such a wonderful reef in my life! So go book your dive if you are a certified diver or maybe why not try out diving for the first time?!
Make sure you also go and visit the Aqaba Fort, while enjoying a nice walk along the waterfront promenade, the Sharif Hussein Bin Ali Mosque and the ancient Islamic city of Ayla ruins right in the center of Aqaba. 


Overnight Aqaba

Day 6 - Wadi Rum

The wadi Rum will definitely be one of the highlights of the trip. Forget planet earth as you are about to land on Mars! Book a night in one of the many Bedouin Camps and make sure you do not miss a full day Desert Jeep Safari to explore all the hidden gems of the Wadi Rum. Each camp has its own tours and activities but they mainly involved Jeep Safari, Camel Rides, Horse Rides, Sandboarding. Make sure you plan your activities in advance and also don’t forget to set the price with them (better if written down on whatsapp) as they might change their mind and charge you more when it’s time to pay. Make sure you do some star gazing through the night, unfortunately it was kind of cloudy for me :(

Overnight in Wadi Rum

Jeep Tour in the Wadi Rum, Jordan
Views of the Wadi Rum in Jordan
View from a Hot Air Ballon in the Wadi Rum, Jordan

Day 7 - Wadi Rum and Petra

You are waking up in the Wadi Rum today! There is nothing more I could recommend than a sunrise Hot Air Ballon ride, I just couldn’t believe what was in front of my eye. Seeing the Wadi Rum at sunrise from up there was mesmerising and an experience I will remember forever. Yes it might be a little pricey for some, I paid 150 Jod, but worth every penny). Enjoy your time in your camp a little more soaking in the incredible peace around you before making your way to Petra.

Now this is important: You need to make sure to arrive in Petra on either Monday, Wednesday or Thursday night if you don’t want to miss Petra by night


Overnight Petra

Day 8 - Petra

Choosing the number of days you want to dedicate to your visit to Petra is entirely up to you and your physical preparation for hiking and lots of walking. Technically, Petra can be explored in a single day if you are following the main route. However, if you want to explore more of this ancient city, I recommend dedicating at least two days. For our visit, we decided to start from what is known as ‘The Back Door to Petra’. This route starts from little Petra. From there a little shuttle jeep will take you to the start of the hiking route to the Monastery (jeep shuttle 5 Jod). By following this route, you can make the hike a bit easier, as hiking up to the Monastery from Petra involves climbing over 900 steps! The ‘Back Door to Petra’ trail is comparatively less challenging and offers amazing views of the Jordan Valley, which you wouldn’t experience otherwise. If you're seeking additional information about visiting Petra, I'll soon be posting a dedicated blog post on the topic. Make sure to subscribe to my blog below to receive notifications.


Overnight Petra

The Monastery, Petra, Jordan
Treasury viewpoint in Petra Jordan
View on King's Highway in Jordan

Day 9 - Departure Day via the King's Highway

This day will primarily involve driving back to Amman for your flight back home.. However, I suggest taking the route back to Amman via the King’s Highway, an ancient trade route that has been in use for thousands of years, connecting various significant sites and cities offering diverse landscapes, mountains, deep valleys, and scenic desert stretches. While you may have already driven through certain sections of the King's Highway on your way from Aqaba, if you have the opportunity to explore a bit more of it, I couldn't think of a better way to conclude an incredible trip in Jordan!

View from Jewish Synagogue in Jerusalem, Israel

And Maybe...

Most trips to Jordan, including mine, involve crossing the land border to Israel through one of the many entry points into the country. The most commonly used one is the King Hussein Bridge border crossing which is about 45 min drive from Amman. If that's what you are considering, spend the night in Amman and leave early in the morning to cross the border. Please note that the border crossing can be quite chaotic, and it may take up to 6 hours (5.30 hours for me and my cousin). More details on the border crossing in my upcoming blog!
And if you are looking on how to spend a few days in Jerusalem, look no further! Check out my 3 days itinerary for the Holy city in here.

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